Daas Meisharim

Strong Tradition, Solid Future
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Building Torah Institutions In Eretz Yisrael

With over 30 years of leadership experience, Rabbi Shlomo Goldman has established an institution that is serving hundreds of families all over Eretz Yisroel. We invite you to be a partner.

Zhville Rebbe, Union City, NJ zt'l

The Rebbe’s dream was to have a makom kadosh in Eretz Yisrael, filled with Torah learning and tefilla throughout the day and night. Due to his untimely petirah, Rabbi Shlomo Goldman, through his institution Daas Meisharim, is keeping that dream alive. Help support Mosdos Zhville in Yerushalayim.

Rabbi Shlomo Goldman, shlita

I am the grandson of the holy tzadik Rabbi Shlomke z’l from Zhville, and I am today the Rav of the Beit Knesset Zhville in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood of Jerusalem. The merit of my fathers and the brachot have given me strength for the past 30 years, to teach and establish a Cheder system for the children of Torah observant families which has hundreds of students and two branches, Beit Shemesh and Ashdod.

I had been teaching for many years since I met my dear father-in-law HaGaon HaTzadik Rav Lipa Braverman zt”l, the president and founder of the Talmud Torah and Yeshiva Gedolah Measharim. I was asked by the sages of today to take on the burden of opening and funding a new school system in the cities of Beit Shemesh and Ashdod. This was because of the hundreds of families that were soon going to settle there. The Noda B’Sharim school system was started, which is a part of the organization Da’as Meisharim.

Today I have over 700 children enrolled in my Talmud Torah and have opened the new Zhville Shul/Beis Medrash in Ramat Shlomo. My institution, Daas Meisharim, is committed to strengthing Torah throughout Eretz Yisroel and carrying on the rich traditions of the sages that have guided me until today.

Contact Us

US Telephone


US Address

1034 Rose Street

Far Rockaway, NY 11691



Israel Phone

+(972) 50 414 0000



Israel Address

24 Druk Street

Ramat Shlomo – Jerusalem, Israel